Almedina Coimbra Hotel
Av. Fernão de Magalhães, 199
3000-176 Coimbra
Coordenadas GPS: +40.213506 / -8.432779
Telf. +351.239.855.500
Fax. +351.239.829.906
Single - 35 euros
Duplo - 45 euros
Triplo - 60 euros
Buffet Breakfast and wifi included.
Hotel Astória
Av. Emídio Navarro, 21
3000-150 Coimbra
T. (+351) 239 853 020
GPS: N 40º 12' 26.84" W 8º.25' 47.80"
Quarto Single - 45 Euros/per night
Quarto Duplo - 50 Euros/per night
Buffet Breakfast included.
Reservations with special fare, send email to astoria@themahotels.pt with "3º Coloquio DIATA" in the Subject or by phone +351 239 853 020.
Hotel Avenida
Avenida Emídio Navarro 37
3000 - 150 Coimbra
Tel: 239 822 155
Singlel - 27 Euros/night
Double - 53 Euros/night
Breakfast included
Hotel Botânico de Coimbra
Bairro de São José, N.º 15 (ao cimo da Rua Combatentes da Grande Guerra)
3030-207 Coimbra
239 714 824 / 239 405 124
Single - 35 Euros/night
Double - 46 Euros/night
Breakfast included
Serenata Hostel
Largo da Sé Velha, nº21/23
3000-383 Coimbra
+351 239 853 130
Double with private bathroom(49€/night)
Double with shared bathroom (39€/night)
Twin com shared bathroom (39€/night)
Suite ( 55€/night)
Room with dorm and shared bathroom (39€/night)
Centro de Estudos Clássicos e Humanísticos da Universidade de Coimbra
Faculdade de Letras - Universidade de Coimbra
Largo da Porta Férrea
3004-530 Coimbra, Portugal
tlf: (+351) 239 85 99 81

How to get to Coimbra:
From Lisbon Aeroport:
1. Take the metro Red Line to estação Oriente
2. Trains from Estação do Oriente to Coimbra-B
1. Take the metro Red Line to S. Sebatião
2. In S. Sebastião change to Blue Line, to Jardim Zoológico
3. Bus from Terminal Sete Rios to Coimbra
From OPorto Aeroport:
1. Take the metro Line E to Campanhã station
2. Trains from Campanhã Station to Coimbra-B