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Call for Papers

“Following Anton Powell: Laconian Perspectives for a New Millennium”

Paula Debnar []

Thomas Figueira []

Ellen Millender []

Call for papers

“Fragments in Erudition, Erudition in Fragments”

Enrico Emanuele Prodi []

Stefano Vecchiato []

Call for papers


“Law in Late Antiquity: Imperial Ideologies, Communication, Religion” 

Carla Setién García []

Álex Corona Encinas [

Call for papers


“Ancient Narrative Fiction: New Light from the Papyri”

Nikoletta Kanavou []

Amphilochios Papathomas


Call for papers


“Recepção de Homero na Cultura Ibero-Americana Contemporânea”

Maria de Fátima Silva []

Christian Werner

Graciela Zecchin de Fasano

Maria António Hörster

Marta González González

Call for papers


“Interfacing with linguistic norms, 323 BCE – 1453 CE”

Ugo Mondini []

Chiara Monaco  []

Call for papers

“Etymology in Greco-Roman Antiquity: Literary, Linguistic, and Philosophical Perspectives”

Ioannis Ziogas []

Athanassios Vergados []

Call for papers

“Ovid and Myth” 

Andrew Feldherr []

Sarah Iles Johnston []

Carole Newlands []

Call for papers

“One Cult, Multiple Cultures: Multilingualism and Religion in Western Roman Inscriptions”

Lorena Pérez Yarza []

Javier Herrera Rando []

María José Estarán Tolosa []

Call for papers

“Manipulating Time in Latin Literature”

Rachel Philbrick []

Sandro La Barbera []

Call for papers

“Ancient Drama, Modern Media” 

Amanda Potter []

Dan Curley []

Call for papers

“Ethnographic Discourses across Literary Genres in Classical and Late Antiquity” 

Chiara Di Serio []

Margot Neger []

Call for papers

“Religious Movement in Ancient Mediterranean Art” 

Ellie Mackin Roberts []

Tyler Jo Smith []

Call for papers

“The Concept of politikos in Greek biography: from Plutarch to Eunapius of Sardis”

Joaquim Pinheiro (

Laurens van der Wiel []

Renan Liparotti []

Call for papers

“Fear, terror and horror in Graeco-Latin Antiquity and its Reception in Popular Culture”

Nuno Simões Rodrigues []

Isidro Molina Zorrilla []

Vasileios Balaskas []

Call for papers

“'Embodied invective' and identity construction in ancient literature”

Rafał Toczko []

Dennis Pausch []

Andreas Serafim []

Call for papers

“The stage and the rostrum: intersections between drama and oratory in classical Athens'”

Brenda Griffith-Williams []

Jakub Filonik [

Janek Kucharski []

Call for papers


“King Pyrrhus of Epirus, Macedon, and briefly Sicily, a Reappraisal 2300 Years Later”

Gaius Stern []

Rolf Strootman []


Call for papers

“The Unwritten Side of (Im)politeness” 

Yasmine Amory []

Marco Catrambone []

Call for papers

“Interdisciplinary Approaches to Cybele and Her Followers” 

Katherine Wasdin []

Thomas Biggs []

Call for papers

“Comfort Food in the Greek and Roman Worlds” 

Carmen Soares []

Laurence Totelin []

Call for papers

“Rome's forgotten poetry: Poetic production between community-based art, folklore, and avant-garde entertainment” 

Yelena Baraz []

Andreas Gavrielatos []

Christoph Schubert []

Call for papers

“The Vandal Renaissance: Power, Identity, and Traditions in the Latin Literature of Post-Roman Africa (435-534CE)” 

Paul Roche

Michael Hanaghan []

Call for papers

“Encounters with Ancient Greek Medicine: Intertextuality and Survival” 

Mónica Durán Mañas

Inmaculada Rodríguez Moreno []

Call for papers

Rhetors and Historians: Ancient Rhetorical Education and the Writing of History” 

Julie Dainville []

Benoît Sans []

Call for papers

Religious Knowledge and Authoritative Texts in Judaic, Christian, Gnostic, Neoplatonist and Other Polytheistic Traditions (1st century BCE-2nd century CE)” 

Inger Kuin []

Anthony Ellis []

Call for papers

Speaking of the Weak: The Rhetoric of Vulnerability in Greek Classical and Postclassical Oratorical Texts” 

Grammatiki Karla []

Rosalia Hatzilambrou []

Call for papers

Thessalian History and Archaeology. A diachronic and multidisciplinary investigation of an ancient region” 

Roy van Wijk []

Emma Aston []

Call for papers

Honour in Classical Greece” 

Douglas Cairns []

Kleanthis Mantzouranis

Bianca Mazzinghi Gori

Linda Rocchi

About the Panel [CfP closed]

Apuleius Metamorphoses and the Greek novel” 

Rachel Bird []

Olivier Demerre []

Ian Repath []

About the Panel [CfP closed]

Classics in Hagiography” 

Carlota Miranda Urbano []

Filippo Forlani []

Call for papers

Animal Culture and Animal Behaviour in the Ancient World” 

Paula Barata Dias []

Sian Lewis []

Call for papers




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