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Organizing Committee

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Carmen Soares is Full Professor of Classical Studies at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra, and the Scientific Coordinator of Center for Classical and Humanistic Studies of the same university, and RI of the project DIAITA Heritage: Food, Environment and Well-being. Teaching activities, research interests and publications include classics, ancient Greek history and food history. She is the author of several books and papers and the translator into Portuguese of Herodotus’ Histories (books V and VIII), Euripides (Cyclops), Plato (Statesman), Plutarch (On Affection for Offspring) and Archestratus (Life of Pleasures). Highlight to the publication with Thomas Figueira, Ethnicity and Identity in Herodotus (Routledge, 2020).
Maria Margarida Lopes de Miranda is Associate Professor of Classical Studies at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra, and the Vice-Scientific Coordinator of Center for Classical and Humanistic Studies of the same university. Research and teaching activities focused on Latin, classical culture, and neo-Latin studies, namely on Renaissance Humanism and the 16th century, Jesuit humanism and its neo-Latin written sources. Member of several scientific associations with a regular participation in international scientific meetings and dozens of talks (in Portugal, Brazil, Italy, Germany, England, EUA, Japan). Coordinator of the inter-university project to edit and translate the Curso Aristotélico Jesuíta Conimbricense. Among her publications is Miguel Venegas and the Earliest Jesuit Theater (Brill, 2019).
Delfim Ferreira Leão is Full Professor of Classical Studies at the at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra, and a researcher at the Center for Classical and Humanistic Studies. His main areas of interest are ancient history, law and political theory of the Greeks, theatrical pragmatics, and the ancient novel. He also has a strong interest in digital humanities. Among his main recent works are

D. F. Leão & L. R. Lanzillotta (eds.), A Man of Many Interests: Plutarch on Religion, Myth, and Magic (Leiden, Brill, 2019) and D. F. Leão & O. Guerrier (eds.), Figures de sages, figures de philosophes dans l'oeuvre de Plutarque (Coimbra, IUC, 2019). Along with Lautaro R. Lanzillotta, he is the editor of Brill’s Plutarch Studies.

Douglas Cairns has held the Chair of Classics in the University of Edinburgh since 2004, and was elected to Membership of Academia Europaea in 2013, to a Fellowship of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 2018, and to a Fellowship of the British Academy in the same year. He served as Editor, Journal of Hellenic Studies (2016–20) and is currently Chair of the Classical Association UK (2020–25). His main focus are on ancient Greek society, ethics, and literature, especially the emotions. Recent collaborative research projects include ‘A History of Distributed Cognition’ (2014–17, Arts and Humanities Research Council, UK); ‘Emotions through Time: From Antiquity to Byzantium’ (2016–18, Leverhulme Trust); 

Executive Committee

Ana Marques works as a science manager at the Center for Classical and Humanistic Studies, and at the Center for Portuguese Literature, where she is an integrated researcher. She holds a PhD in Materialities of Literature, and develops her research in the areas of Posthumanism and Digital Humanities. She is a member of the project LdoD Digital Archive, where she works with the critical reception of Fernando Pessoa's Book of Disquiet. She is also a member of the MatLit Lab: Humanities Laboratory.
Martinho Soares is an Assistant Researcher at the University of Coimbra, where he is develloping  now the FCT research funded project  "Reading nature as text: towards an environmental hermeneutics and space identity awareness in Portuguese eco-culture". In the present, he teaches in the area of Classical Languages and Literatures at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, at the University of Coimbra. Before, he taught Classical Languages and Phenomenology and Hermeneutics of Religion in the Faculty of Theology of the  Portuguese Catholic University in Oporto. He is graduated from the the University of Coimbra with a degree in Classical Studies. At the same university he completed a master's degree (2006) and the PhD (2011) in Poetics and Hermeneutics, concerning mainly the philosophy of Paul Ricoeur. He belongs to the Center of Classical and Humanistic Studies of the University of Coimbra.
Sara Troiani gained her PhD in Greek Language and Literature in 2020 from the University of Trento. Her PhD dissertation (soon a book) investigates the translations and performances of ancient Greek drama produced by the Italian scholar Ettore Romagnoli (early 20th Century). Her interests of research also relate to Ancient Greek Music, New Dithyramb and Reception of Ancient Drama from antiquity to the contemporary age.
She is currently post-doctoral researcher at the Centro de Estudos Clássicos e Humanísticos (University of Coimbra), working on the CECH Secondary Projects 'Rewriting Myth' and 'Classics and Open Science'. She is now developing the digital archive 'Thespis - CECH' that collects data about the modern plays of ancient drama in Portugal. 
In 2016 she also gained a Master in Performing Arts Management at the Accademia Teatro Alla Scala and was intern at Piccolo Teatro di Milano. Thanks to this experience she had worked for many years as assistant director and production manager for Italian theatres and ensembles. 
Gonçalo Marcelo holds an undergraduate degree in Philosophy (2007) and a PhD in Moral and Political Philosophy (2014) from NOVA University in Lisbon. Since 2019 he is a junior researcher (DL57/2016 'norma transitória') hired by the Centre for Classical and Humanistic Studies (CECH), Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Coimbra, and in that capacity he lectures at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. He is also a member of the Young Scientists Seminar of the Lisbon Academy of Sciences (2020-2023). His main research interests are in the fields of Hermeneutics, Social and Political Philosophy, Ethics, and Critical Theory.  Currently he is a team member of the international research projects PRECARITYLAB ( funded by the science ministry of Spain) and the Research Network the Relation between Epistemic Injustice and Recognition Theory (funded by DFG, Germany). He writes a monthly essay for the newspaper O Jornal Económico. 
Emanuel Nogueira is a PhD Candidate in Classical Studies - Ancient World at the University of Coimbra. He graduated in Philosophy by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of University of Coimbra, having persued the Master degree in Philosophy in the same institution. He started to work with the Centre for Classical and Humanistic Studies as a transcriber in the project “Cursus Aristotelicus Conimbricensis”.  He has also transcribed “Paciecidos: libri duodecim”, by Bartolomeu Pereira SJ, as well as transcribed and translated “Arte de Canto Chão”, by Pedro Talésio, revised by Margarida Miranda. As a doctoral fellow, he researches the reception of aristotelian ethics in the “Jesuit School of Coimbra”.
Adriano Fagherazzi is a PhD candidate in Classical Studies at University of Coimbra. He has a Master in Classical Letters from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and is a member of the research group ATRIVM - Interdisciplinary Space for Studies of Antiquity from Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul. Besides his interest in culture of Ancient Rome, he has experience in the fields of archeology, food culture, digital arts and educational technics.
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Maria Olímpia Especiosa is a PhD candidate in Classical Studies – Poetics and Hermeneutics 
and hired as a scholarship holder for the European Operas Plus Project. 
She graduated in Classical Studies by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of University of Coimbra, 
having attended the Master degree in Education in the same institution. 
She has experience as a teacher and develops her research in the areas of Ancient Greek culture.
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Eulália Marques has a degree in Classical Studies (Faculty of Letters of the University of Coimbra) and in Design (University of Madeira). She actively collaborates in Ludi Conimbrigenses, an activity for transferring knowledge of Classical Culture to pre-university education in Portugal, promoted by CECH, and in the dissemination (graphic design) of Associação Cultural Thíasos. Its purpose is to combine the two areas in order to promote and innovate Classical Studies.


Davide Emanuele Iannace - Visiting Researcher at Centre for Classical and Humanistic Studies - Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Coimbra 
Luiz Moreira - Visiting Researcher at Centre for Classical and Humanistic Studies - Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Coimbra 
André Correia - Graduate Student of Master's Degree in Teaching of Portuguese and Latin - Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Coimbra
Catarina Martins Pereira - Graduate Student of Master's Degree in Public and Private Administration - Faculty of Law, University of Coimbra
Filipe de Almeida - Graduate Student of Master's Degree in Classical Studies - Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Coimbra 
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Hugo Ramos - Graduate Student of Master's Degree in Teaching of Portuguese and Latin - Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Coimbra
Inês Lopes - Graduate Student of Master's Degree in Teaching of Portuguese and Latin - Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Coimbra 
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Izabel de Rohan - Graduate Student of Master's Degree in Classical Studies - Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Coimbra
Maira Loureiro - Graduate Student of Master's Degrees in Food - Sources, Culture and Society - Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Coimbra
Beatriz Pereira - Undergraduate Studant in Archeology - Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Coimbra
Bernardo Afonso - Undergraduate Student in Classics, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Coimbra
Camila Azevedo Nunes - Undergraduate Student in Classics, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Coimbra
Carlos Jorge Álvares de Freitas Lindão Neves - Undergraduate Student in Classics, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Coimbra
Henrique Lacerda Costa - Undergraduate Student in Philosophy - Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Coimbra
Pedro Rodrigues - Undergraduate Student in Classics, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Coimbra
Rute Sousa - Undergraduate Studant in Archeology - Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Coimbra




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