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Panel Convenors

Giovanni Casadio (University of Salerno) []

Paola Corrente (Universidad del Pacífico, Lima- Perú) []

GIOVANNI CASADIO (Faenza 1950) is Professor of History of Religions at the University of Salerno (2005). Graduation at the University of Bologna (1981). Postgraduate studies in Rome, Lausanne (1984-85), Bologna (1987-1989). PhD University of Rome (1993). Associate Professor University of Salerno (1993). Associate editor of the II ed. of the Eliade’s Encyclopedia of Religion (2005). Comandor Meritul Cultural Romania (2006). Member of AAR (1999); Member of the EC of the European Association for the Study of religions (EASR) as Publications officer (2000-2006) and Vice-President (2012-); Secretary of SISR (Società Italiana Storia religioni) (2012); Member of ISMEO (2013); IAHR Honorary Life Member (2015). More than 130 publications about Greek religion (Dionysus, Orphism, Platonism), Near-Eastern religions, ancient Christianity and syncretism (Gnosticism, Manichaeism), historiography and history of scholarship, method and theory in religious studies. Books: Storia del culto di Dioniso in Argolide (1994), Vie gnostiche all’immortalità (1997), Il vino dell’anima (1999), Ugo Bianchi: Una vita per la storia delle religioni (ed. 2002), Mystic Cults in Magna Graecia (co-ed. 2009; pb 2010); Le scienze delle religioni nel mondo (co-ed. 2011); Raffaele Pettazzoni, i suoi interlocutori e le religioni dei mondi lontani (2011); Mircea Eliade. Le forme della Tradizione e del Sacro (co-ed. 2012); Antropologia e religione in Italia (co-ed. 2012); Lo sciamanesimo prima e dopo Mircea Eliade (2014).

PAOLA CORRENTE is Professor of History of Religions at the Universidad del Pacífico, Lima (Perú) since 2015. Graduation: Classics, Università degli Studi di Salerno (2003). Master: Anthropology (“Estudios Amerindios”), Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2006); PhD: History of Religions (“Ciencias de las Religiones”), Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2012). Visiting Researcher: Oxford University (June-September 2009). Research Assistant: Harvard University (2010-2011). Work experience: Substitute professor of mythology and history of religion, Greek grammar and Greek literature, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2009-2011); translator.

Research areas: comparative mythology, religion and literature (Greece, Mesopotamia, Near East); Greek and Latin texts; religion and economics.She has participated in international conferences (Harvard, Bryn Mawr, Princeton, Madrid, Buenos Aires, Florianópolis), and is the author of articles and contributions to books since 2011. The most recent are: “‘Holy money’: gods and economy in antiquity”, “Jugando con la muerte: análisis comparativo de un motivo mitológico e iconográfico” (2017); “Gods and power in Mesopotamia: Nergal. A study in comparative mythology” (forthcoming); “The Greeks and the Romans” and “The mythology of wine”, in M. Karam (ed.), Tears of Bacchus: A history of wine in Arabic world, London 2019; “Los judíos”, “El Egipto de Heródoto” and “Influjos orientales”, in A. Bernabé (ed.), Religión griega (forthcoming). She is a member of SISR (Società Italiana di Storia delle Religioni).



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