The conference will be conducted in the form of panels, so that the following stages of preparation have been established:
- by 15 January 2020: submission of panel proposals to the Organizing Committee (cech.carmensoares@gmail.com);
- by 25 January 2020: communication of accepted proposals to panel proponents;
- by 27 January 2020: sending of the Call for Panels to the Executive Committee (elisabetecacao@gmail.com)
- 1 February - 30 September: Call for Papers of the open panels (available on the Conference website)
- by 30 October 2020: sending of panels’ final programme to the Executive Committee - including speakers' name, affiliation, title of paper and abstract (martinho.soares@uc.pt);
- by 15 December 2020: publication of the final programme on website.
Accepted languages: it is up to the panel organizers, when recruiting their panel members, to indicate their range of language(s) for academic discourse. All panels should in principle consider submissions in English or Portuguese. The organization of the event will use English as its official language, for the sake of wide international accessibility.