Panel Convenors
Meritxell Ferrer Martín (University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona) [meritxell.ferrer@upf.edu]
Agnès García-Ventura (University Autónoma of Barcelona) [agnes.ventura@gmail.com]
Mireia López-Bertran (University of Valencia) [Mireia.Lopez@uv.es]
Meritxell Ferrer Martín is currently postdoctoral researcher (Juan de la Cierva) at the University Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona). She previously was a Beatriu de Pinós postdoctoral research fellow at Stanford University, Clasics Department and Archaeology Center (2013-2015) and at the University Pompeu Fabra (2015-2017). Her research specializes in the archaeology of the Mediterranean during the Iron Age, mainly Phoenician and Greek colonization in the western Mediterranean, with a particular interest in Sicily and the Iberian Peninsula. Her interests encompass themes such as postcolonial perspectives, cultural contact, ritual, gender and power dynamics. She has published several articles and book chapters in international academic journals and monographs. Currently, she is participating in an international project focused in Empúries (Girona), as well as in Castello della Pietra (Sicily). To see her work: https://upf.academia.edu/MeritxellFerrer
Agnes Garcia-Ventura is currently lecturer at the University Autònoma of Barcelona (Spain). Since 2012, she worked as postdoctoral scholar at several universities, including the University of Heidelberg (Germany), the “Sapienza”, Università degli Studi di Roma (Italy) and the University of Barcelona (Spain). Her main areas of interest are gender studies, historiography of ancient Near Eastern studies, ancient musical performance and the organization of work in Mesopotamia. She is author of nearly 100 articles, book chapters and reviews issued in international academic journals and series. Moreover she is editor of several volumes, among which Studying Gender in the Ancient Near East (coedited with Saana Svärd, State College, PA: Eisenbrauns and Pennsylvania State University Press, 2018), Mujeres en el Oriente cuneiforme (coedited with Josué Justel, Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alcalá, 2018) and What’s in a Name. Work force and job categories in the Ancient Near East (Münster: AOAT 440, Ugarit- Verlag, 2018). For a full downloadable CV, see https://uab.academia.edu/Agn%C3%A8sGarciaVentura.
Mireia López-Bertran is currently lecturer at Departament of Art History of the Universitat de Valencia since October 2016. She was graduated in Humanities by the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in 2000 and received her PhD degree in History from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, Spain) in 2007. She specializes in the Phoenician-Punic archaeology, with research interests in iconography, ancient Mediterranean art, embodiment, rituals and gender. Between 2010-2012, she was postdoctoral researcher of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture-FECYT and she worked as an Honorary Research Fellow at the Archaeology Unit of the University of Glasgow. She was appointed Beatriu de Pinós/Marie Curie Postdoctoral fellow at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona between 2014 and 2016 and she has also been awarded with funds from the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) to be visiting scholar at the Eberhard-Karl Universität Tübingen in 2006, 2010 and 2014. She has joined the Joukowsky Institute of Archaeology and the Ancient Wolrd (Brown University) as visiting scholar in April-May 2015. She has published several articles and book chapters in international academic journals and monographs. Currently, she is working on art and iconography of the Iron Age Mediterranean from an embodied and gender perspective. More specifically, she is specialized in coroplastic art from a material culture perspective. For more details about her work see: https://uv.academia.edu/MireiaL%C3%B3pezBertran