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Panel Convenors

Isabel Araújo Branco (Nova University of Lisbon) []

Isabel Gomes de Almeida (Nova University of Lisbon) []

Leonor Santa Bárbara (Nova University of Lisbon) []

Isabel Araújo Branco is an Assistant Professor at NOVA FCSH, in the departament of Languages, Cultures and Modern Literature. She is a PhD in Comparative Literary Studies by Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (UNL), with a thesis entitled «A recepção das literaturas hispano-americanas na literatura portuguesa contemporânea: edição, tradução e criação literária», with which she received the International Scientific Award Mário Quartin Graça 2015, granted by Casa da América Latina. She has two MA, one in Comparative Literature (UNL) and other in Contemporary Studies of Latin America (Universidad Complutense de Madrid). She holds two BA, one in Comunication Sciences and other in Portuguese Studies (NOVA FCSH). She is the coordinator of the research group «Cultura, História e Pensamento Ibéricos e Ibero-Americanos» of CHAM – Centre for the Humanities (FCSH-UNL and UAc). She is also member of the Núcleo de Estudos Ibéricos e Ibero-Americanos (FCSH-UNL) and collaborator of Centro de Estudos Comparatistas (Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa). She collaborates regularly with Casa da América Latina (Lisboa).



Isabel Almeida, PhD in History, specialization field of Ancient History, by NOVA FCSH, is an Assistant Professor at the same institution, where she teaches undergraduate courses and MA seminars related to ancient oriental civilizations. She is also a researcher and deputy director of CHAM – Centre for the Humanities (FCSH-UNL and UAc); and editor of Res Antiquititas- Journal of Ancient History (ISSN 1647-5852). In her PhD thesis, The construction of Inanna/Ištar in Mesopotamia: 4th – 2nd millennia BC, she dealt with divine feminine representations in ancient Mesopotamia. Her current research interests are focused on History of Religions, History of Women, and Reception of Antiquity in the Western world.



Leonor Santa Bárbara is an Assistant Professor at NOVA FCSH, where she teaches the undergraduate courses related with Ancient Greek Language, Literature and Culture, as well as a MA seminar on the reception of Classical Antiquity in the Portuguese Culture. She is also a researcher and a subdirector of CHAM - Centre for the Humanities (NOVA FCSH/UAç). Her research interests cover Ancient Greek culture and literature, particularly the Hellenistic age, and its reception. She is the Portuguese translator of numerous works in both French and English: E. R. Dodds, E. Havelock, Jacqueline de Romilly and Félix Guirand. She translated both Greek and Latin texts, including epigrams from the Greek Anthology and other Greek writers on the subjects of both death and love (see Metacrítica. Revista de Filosofia da Unidade de Investigação em Ciência, Tecnologia



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