Panel Convenors
Matheus Trevizam (Federal University of Minas Gerais) [matheustrevizam2000@yahoo.com.br]
Patricia Prata (State University of Campinas, São Paulo) [patricia_prata@uol.com.br]
Matheus Trevizam has a BA in Letters, an MA, and a PhD in Linguistics from University of Campinas (Unicamp/Campinas, Brazil). He carried out postdoctoral training at the University of Paris Sorbonne. As an Associate Professor of Latin Language and Literature since 2006, he has been lecturing at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG/Belo Horizonte, Brazil). He is the author of many books and complete translations, including On the Things of the Countryside (Das coisas do campo) by Varro, indicated for the "Jabuti Award" of 2013; Cato, On Agriculture (Da agricultura); and Ovid's The Art of Love (Arte de amar) (2016). He also published, in co-authorship with Tereza Virgínia Barbosa and Júlia Batista Avellar (UFMG, PhDs in Classical Literature), the book Tempestades Clássicas: dos antigos à Era dos descobrimentos [University of Coimbra Press, 2018]. At present, he attends University of Campinas, continuing his post-graduate studies under the supervision of Prof. Paulo Sérgio de Vasconcellos.
Patricia Prata has a BA in Linguistics (1997) from University of Campinas (Unicamp/Brazil), Master Degree (2002) and PhD (2007) in Linguistics (Classical Studies) from the same University. Since 2005 she is Professor of Latin Language and Literature at Unicamp. She has been dedicated to Ovid Studies (mainly exile literature), Virgil, intertextuality and Latin teaching. During her graduate studies, she translated the Tristia by Ovid, and did research about intertextuality, considering the dialogue it establishes with the Aeneid by Virgil. She takes part in a work group coordinated by professor Paulo Sérgio de Vasconcellos, who has published annotated and commented editions from Virgil translations made by the Maranhense poet Odorico Mendes, such as the Aeneid (2008, second edition 2016), the Eclogues (2008) and the newly published Georgics (2019). She co-leads a research group on Latin teaching, and published along with professor Fábio Fortes the book Latim hoje: reflexões sobre cultura clássica e ensino [Latin today: reflections about classical culture and teaching] (2015), as well as a research group on intertextuality within Latin literature, writing the book Sobre intertextualidade na literatura latina. Textos fundamentais [On intertextuality in Latin literature. Fundamental texts] (to be published) which presents translations of main texts about intertextuality within Latin literature.