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02. RESPUBLICA LITTERARIA: HUMANITIES, ARTS AND SCIENCES (Before the Specialization of Knowledge)

Panel Convenors

Sophie Conte (University of Reims) []

Margarida Miranda (University of Coimbra - Centre of Classical and Humanistic Studies) []



Sophie Conte is Associate Professor of Classics at the University of Reims (France), where she teaches Greek and Latin languages and literatures. Her research is focused on rhetoric, especially Quintilian. She directed, with Sandrine Dubel, L’écriture des traités de rhétorique des origines grecques à la Renaissance, Bordeaux, 2016. She also deals with neo-latin studies, and is President of the International Society for the Study of Jesuit Rhetoric (2019-2021). She is interested in the reception of Classics, and published Boèce au fil du temps : son influence sur les lettres européennes du Moyen Âge à nos jours, Paris, 2019, with A. Oïffer-Bomsel and E. Cantarino-Suñer. 


Margarida Miranda (PhD 2002, Coimbra University) is Associate Professor of Classical and Humanistic studies. She is Associate Editor of Humanitas. Revista de Estudos Clássicos since 2016. She has published on Classical and Jesuit studies, particularly on Jesuit Humanism and its Neolatin written sources, including the Portuguese translation of the Ratio Studiorum (1599), and Miguel Venegas and the Earliest Jesuit Theatre: Choruses for Tragedies in Sixteenth-Century Europe (Leiden: Brill, 2019). 

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