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Panel Convenors

Mónica Durán Mañas (University of Granada)[]

Inmaculada Rodríguez Moreno (University of Cadiz) []

Ancient Greek medicine has had a large influence in the European context with reflection on a diversity of manifestations: history, art, literature, anthropology, etc. From the medical practices prior to Hippocrates, Greeks did not cease to investigate and contribute, with greater or lesser success, to the improvement of health care. Hippocrates and Galen are well-known figures and, although they were not the only ones that significantly contributed to the evolution of the history of medicine, they are certainly the figures that most influenced the subsequent medical practices. The impact of Galen is especially remarkable since medieval times. His works were translated into different languages –Syriac, Arabic, Latin, etc.­–­ and had an extremely broad diffusion and influence on the history of medicine: they were well known, studied in the universities, debated, corrected, etc. The result was a display of galenic medicine in all kind of manifestations in which man participates. Consequently, this conference seeks to discuss the influence of ancient Greek medicine in the European context in a wide range of fields, including literature, linguistics, art, history, history of science, anthropology, philosophy and medicine, among other disciplines. After Hippocrates and Galen, we must also mention other important physicians such as Oribasius, Soranus, Aetius, Alexander of Tralles, Paulus Aegineta, Stephanus Philosophus, etc., who contributed to the continuity of ancient Greek medicine and its influence in the Occidental context.

We welcome contributions of interdisciplinary nature, showing the wide reception of ancient Greek medicine in the European Context, as well as the rich connections between medicine and all kind of disciplines, since health (and sickness) is an omnipresent clue in human development. Different approaches will contribute to reach a global picture of the relevance of ancient Greek medicine in the European context investigating similarities and parallels or variations and modifications in beliefs, practices, attitudes, terminology, formats, etc. Some questions, among others, can be answered under those topics: How the ancient Greek medicine has been transmitted and how the European medical culture has been shaped? What have been, during the European history, the medical preoccupations or priorities? What has been neglected or ignored? Why the presence of ancient Greek medicine has been so wide in the European literary oeuvre? To what extent the influence of ancient Greek medicine in the European context has contribute to maximize cultural divergences from other societies?


Topics of interest include the following –they are not limited to–: presence of ancient Greek medicine in European Literature; survival of Greek medical terms; ancient Greek medicine in rhetorical contexts; use of medical vocabulary as a literary motif, topos, and exempla; linguistic and stylistic features of texts; evolution of medical literature from ancient Greek treatises, attitudes towards ancient Greek medicine among humanists; reception of ancient Greek medicine; mythology and medicine; connections between medicine, religion and magic in the European context; medicine and Arts; philosophical and medical concepts and ideas; attitudes towards Ancient Greek medicine and its cultural heritage in modern medicine; medical tendencies from ancient Greek medicine; influences of the galenic legacy in the European medicine, literature and philosophy; study of the greco-roman terms in the actual medicine, etc.


We invite abstracts for papers of approximately 40 minutes in length, to be followed by 10 minutes of discussion. Papers in both English, French, Portuguese, Spanish and Italian are welcome. Please submit abstracts of no more than 250 words and a short CV to both and by September 30, 2020. Abstracts must be attached as a separate file with no personal identification. 


We aim to send notification of acceptance no later than the end of March. For further information, please contact either of the panel organizers.

Abstracts should have:

- Title of communication

- E-mail

- University

- Abstracts (max 250 words) (separate file)

- Keywords (5 to 10 words)

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Centre of Classical and Humanistic Studies

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